For over 135 years, people have worshipped at St. Andrew’s Church. We are delighted that you have found our website. As Jesus welcomes everyone to his table, we invite you to explore our website and enter into the life and worship of St. Andrew’s in whatever way is most comfortable for you. You are most welcome here!
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Worship services
February 6, 2024 Posted By: Ann Kash News & updatesSt. Andrew’s Services Sunday February 9 Services – 5 Epiphany Celebrant and preacher: The Rev. Dr. Suzannah Rohman 8:00am – Holy Eucharist Rite I 10:00am – Holy Eucharist Rite II with music and Holy Baptism Weekly Wednesday Service 11:30am – Holy Eucharist with Healing Prayers Lunch provided for all after...
Recent Sermons
For those of you who notice details or are familiar with the idiosyncrasies of Episcopal worship you will have registered that the colors of our adornments are not green today, as would be the norm for the ordinary time of Epiphany, but have instead returned to white. One reason for...
In this week of the Presidential Inauguration, an interesting article from the Smithsonian Institute Magazine popped up in my feed entitled “A brief history of presidential inaugural speeches from George Washington to today” (Claire Jerry, published 1/14/2025). Being the history-minded person that I am I clicked on the link. The...
Because very few of us regularly sit down and read entire books of the Bible from start to finish in one or just a few readings, we don’t often think about why the author of a particular book put a story where it is in the narrative. For example, Matthew...