I’ve been thinking a lot about atonement lately. Atonement is a theological term that basically seeks to answer the question, “Why does Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection matter to us and to creation?” When you read theological writings about the subject, you can begin to wonder if it is all...

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Sermon Lent 1 Mark 1:9-15 2/18/2024

Well lent is here folks. We are at the beginning of our season of preparation, preparation for Easter. For the next forty days, the church encourages us to keep a Lenten fast by, and I quote from the Ash Wednesday service; “by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial;...

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I think the miracle, healing, and exorcism stories in our Gospels are some of the hardest stories for the modern-day Christian. The worldview behind these stories is just so different from the dominant worldview today. And as a result, we ask all sorts of questions that would not have been...

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Sermon: December 24, 2023

Do you remember the song “From a Distance” sung by Bette Midler in the early 1990’s? “From a distance, the world looks blue and green And the snow-capped mountains white From a distance, the ocean meets the stream And the eagle takes to flight From a distance, there is harmony...

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Sermon: December 10, 2023

Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. I could repeat this verse from Psalm 85 all day long, the words are that beautiful to me. Mercy and truth have met together;...

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