Sermons CategoriesAdvent (7)Christmas (8)Easter (18)Epiphany (17)Lent (20)Pentecost (60) Sermons Tag10 Commandments (1)Abraham (2)Abundance (1)Accountability (1)Action and change (1)Acts of the Apostles (1)Advent (1)Advocacy (1)ailing woman (1)All Saints Day (1)Alleluia (1)and the life (1)and the truth (1)annointing of feet (1)Ash Wednesday (2)atonement (1)Attention (1)Authority and power (1)banquet (1)baptism (1)baptismal covenant (1)Behavioral Change (1)belief (1)Betrayal (1)Biblical Authority (1)Biblical Narrative (1)Binary gender (1)bishop (1)blessed (1)blessing (1)Brain Plasticity (1)Challenging Preconceptions (1)Christ the King (2)Christian community (3)Christian living (1)Christian teachings (1)Christian Theology (1)Christianity (1)Christmas (1)Class Essentialism (1)Clergy Conference (1)climate change (3)Cognitive Therapy (1)Come and see (1)Commemoration (1)communion (1)community (2)Compassion and Change (1)conservation (1)Consumerism (1)creation (2)Creation Care (1)Cultural Biases (1)darnel (1)David (1)Demon possession (1)disadvantaged (1)disciples (1)Discipleship (3)Divine Awe (1)Divine Power (1)doubt (1)Earth Day (1)Easter (2)Easter Season (1)Elijah (1)embrace our lives (1)Embracing Adversity (1)Empathy and Wealth (1)Environmental Responsibility (1)Environmental Stewardship (2)Epistle of Straw (1)Ethiopian Eunuch (1)Excess (1)exclusion (1)Ezekiel (1)Faith (4)Faith and doubt (2)Faith and Imagination (1)Faith and Works (1)Faith in Suffering (1)Fasting (1)fear (1)Fig tree as a place of reflection and connection with God (1)Finding God in Difficult Times (1)fire (1)First and Second Samuel (1)fishing (1)following Jesus (1)Foolishness (1)Footwashing (1)For God so loved the world (1)forgiveness (3)Frances Perkins (1)freedom (1)Friendship (1)Gabriel (1)gates (1)Gender norms (1)Generosity (1)God (6)God cares (1)God healing the world (1)God is love (1)God is with us (2)God loves us (2)God loves you (2)God's creation (1)God's love (5)God's love is unlimited (1)God's presence (1)God's presence and love (1)God’s grace (1)Godly Play (1)good news (2)Gospel of John (1)Gospel of Mark (1)grace and mercy (1)Grace of God (1)Harry Potter (1)heal (1)healing (2)heaven and hell (1)Hermeneutics (1)Holy Encounter (1)Holy Spirit (2)Human Rights (1)humanity (1)humility (2)I am the way (1)Ignatian (1)Imagination (1)Importance of community and sharing experiences (1)Inclusion (1)incompleteness (1)Integrity (1)interdependence (1)Israelite History (1)James (1)James 2:17 (1)Jesus (19)Jesus and the Rich Man (1)Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman (1)Jesus as the "Son of God" and "King of Israel" (1)Jesus as the Bread of Life (1)Jesus on the mountain (1)Jesus' Ministry (1)Jesus' Teachings (2)Jesus's baptism (1)Jesus’ Humanity (1)John (1)John the Baptist (1)Joy (1)Judea (1)justice (1)kingdom of God (6)Kinship with Nature (1)Ladder from Jacob's dream representing connection between heaven and earth (1)Last Supper (1)Leadership (1)learning faith (1)lent (4)life (1)liminal time (1)Limits (1)Literal Interpretation (1)living in the present (1)Living the "Jesus way" in everyday life (1)Love (9)Love and hope (1)Love thy neighbor (1)Mark's Gospel (1)Martin Luther (1)Martin Luther King Jr. (1)Mary (1)material wealth (1)Materialism (1)Matthew’s Beatitudes (1)Maundy Thursday (1)Mind and Body Connection (1)Miracle (1)Miracles and exorcism (1)Modern distractions (1)Monotheism (1)Moral Instruction (1)Moses (1)Nehemiah (1)new life (1)non-violence (1)Old Testament (2)Palm Sunday (2)parable (1)parable of the Good Samaritan (1)parables (3)paraclete (1)parental love (1)Paul (2)peace (1)Pentecost (2)Perseverance (1)Personal Accountability (1)Personal Experience (1)Peter (1)planting wheat (1)poor (1)prayer (1)prison (1)prodigal son (1)Proverbs (1)Psalm 23 (2)Radical Christianity (1)reconciliation (1)relationships (2)Religion (1)Religious Leaders (1)Resurrection (1)Risen Lord (1)salvation (2)Sarah (1)Scarcity (1)Scriptural Interpretation (1)Scripture and Faith (1)Self-examination (1)Sermon on the Plain (1)Servanthood (1)Sharing (1)sheep (1)Simon Peter (1)Social justice (3)Social Reform (1)sow the love (1)Spiritual Discipline (1)Spiritual Hunger (1)spiritual problem (1)St. Francis of Assisi (1)St. Paul (1)stewardship (1)stories (1)storms of life (1)systems of the world (1)The Annunciation (1)the baptism of Jesus (1)The Beatitudes (1)the Bible (1)the Book of Revelation (1)the environment (1)the fruit of the spirit (1)the Gatherings (1)the Good Shepherd (1)The Gospel of Mark (1)the Holy Spirit (3)the kingdom of God (1)The light of Christ (1)the love of God (1)the Temptation (1)the temptation of Jesus in the desert (1)The Transfiguration of Jesus (2)the Trinity (1)Transcendence (1)tree (1)Trinity (1)trust (2)Ubuntu (1)Vida Dutton Scudder (1)Virtue and Practice (1)vulnerability (1)waiting (1)water (1)ways of God (1)wealth (2)Wealth and Christianity (1)wealthy (1)wedding in Cana (1)weeds (1)What are you looking for? (1)Wilderness (1)wine (1)Wisdom (2)Wisdom Literature (1)woe (1)work (1)worship (1)You are the light of the world (1)You are the salt of the earth (1) Sermons SpeakersRt. Rev. Thomas James Brown (2)The Rev. Ben Cooke (1)The Rev. Dr. Suzannah Rohman (126)The Rev. Karen B. Johnson (2) Sermons CategoriesAdvent (7)Christmas (8)Easter (18)Epiphany (17)Lent (20)Pentecost (60) Sermons Tag10 Commandments (1)Abraham (2)Abundance (1)Accountability (1)Action and change (1)Acts of the Apostles (1)Advent (1)Advocacy (1)ailing woman (1)All Saints Day (1)Alleluia (1)and the life (1)and the truth (1)annointing of feet (1)Ash Wednesday (2)atonement (1)Attention (1)Authority and power (1)banquet (1)baptism (1)baptismal covenant (1)Behavioral Change (1)belief (1)Betrayal (1)Biblical Authority (1)Biblical Narrative (1)Binary gender (1)bishop (1)blessed (1)blessing (1)Brain Plasticity (1)Challenging Preconceptions (1)Christ the King (2)Christian community (3)Christian living (1)Christian teachings (1)Christian Theology (1)Christianity (1)Christmas (1)Class Essentialism (1)Clergy Conference (1)climate change (3)Cognitive Therapy (1)Come and see (1)Commemoration (1)communion (1)community (2)Compassion and Change (1)conservation (1)Consumerism (1)creation (2)Creation Care (1)Cultural Biases (1)darnel (1)David (1)Demon possession (1)disadvantaged (1)disciples (1)Discipleship (3)Divine Awe (1)Divine Power (1)doubt (1)Earth Day (1)Easter (2)Easter Season (1)Elijah (1)embrace our lives (1)Embracing Adversity (1)Empathy and Wealth (1)Environmental Responsibility (1)Environmental Stewardship (2)Epistle of Straw (1)Ethiopian Eunuch (1)Excess (1)exclusion (1)Ezekiel (1)Faith (4)Faith and doubt (2)Faith and Imagination (1)Faith and Works (1)Faith in Suffering (1)Fasting (1)fear (1)Fig tree as a place of reflection and connection with God (1)Finding God in Difficult Times (1)fire (1)First and Second Samuel (1)fishing (1)following Jesus (1)Foolishness (1)Footwashing (1)For God so loved the world (1)forgiveness (3)Frances Perkins (1)freedom (1)Friendship (1)Gabriel (1)gates (1)Gender norms (1)Generosity (1)God (6)God cares (1)God healing the world (1)God is love (1)God is with us (2)God loves us (2)God loves you (2)God's creation (1)God's love (5)God's love is unlimited (1)God's presence (1)God's presence and love (1)God’s grace (1)Godly Play (1)good news (2)Gospel of John (1)Gospel of Mark (1)grace and mercy (1)Grace of God (1)Harry Potter (1)heal (1)healing (2)heaven and hell (1)Hermeneutics (1)Holy Encounter (1)Holy Spirit (2)Human Rights (1)humanity (1)humility (2)I am the way (1)Ignatian (1)Imagination (1)Importance of community and sharing experiences (1)Inclusion (1)incompleteness (1)Integrity (1)interdependence (1)Israelite History (1)James (1)James 2:17 (1)Jesus (19)Jesus and the Rich Man (1)Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman (1)Jesus as the "Son of God" and "King of Israel" (1)Jesus as the Bread of Life (1)Jesus on the mountain (1)Jesus' Ministry (1)Jesus' Teachings (2)Jesus's baptism (1)Jesus’ Humanity (1)John (1)John the Baptist (1)Joy (1)Judea (1)justice (1)kingdom of God (6)Kinship with Nature (1)Ladder from Jacob's dream representing connection between heaven and earth (1)Last Supper (1)Leadership (1)learning faith (1)lent (4)life (1)liminal time (1)Limits (1)Literal Interpretation (1)living in the present (1)Living the "Jesus way" in everyday life (1)Love (9)Love and hope (1)Love thy neighbor (1)Mark's Gospel (1)Martin Luther (1)Martin Luther King Jr. (1)Mary (1)material wealth (1)Materialism (1)Matthew’s Beatitudes (1)Maundy Thursday (1)Mind and Body Connection (1)Miracle (1)Miracles and exorcism (1)Modern distractions (1)Monotheism (1)Moral Instruction (1)Moses (1)Nehemiah (1)new life (1)non-violence (1)Old Testament (2)Palm Sunday (2)parable (1)parable of the Good Samaritan (1)parables (3)paraclete (1)parental love (1)Paul (2)peace (1)Pentecost (2)Perseverance (1)Personal Accountability (1)Personal Experience (1)Peter (1)planting wheat (1)poor (1)prayer (1)prison (1)prodigal son (1)Proverbs (1)Psalm 23 (2)Radical Christianity (1)reconciliation (1)relationships (2)Religion (1)Religious Leaders (1)Resurrection (1)Risen Lord (1)salvation (2)Sarah (1)Scarcity (1)Scriptural Interpretation (1)Scripture and Faith (1)Self-examination (1)Sermon on the Plain (1)Servanthood (1)Sharing (1)sheep (1)Simon Peter (1)Social justice (3)Social Reform (1)sow the love (1)Spiritual Discipline (1)Spiritual Hunger (1)spiritual problem (1)St. Francis of Assisi (1)St. Paul (1)stewardship (1)stories (1)storms of life (1)systems of the world (1)The Annunciation (1)the baptism of Jesus (1)The Beatitudes (1)the Bible (1)the Book of Revelation (1)the environment (1)the fruit of the spirit (1)the Gatherings (1)the Good Shepherd (1)The Gospel of Mark (1)the Holy Spirit (3)the kingdom of God (1)The light of Christ (1)the love of God (1)the Temptation (1)the temptation of Jesus in the desert (1)The Transfiguration of Jesus (2)the Trinity (1)Transcendence (1)tree (1)Trinity (1)trust (2)Ubuntu (1)Vida Dutton Scudder (1)Virtue and Practice (1)vulnerability (1)waiting (1)water (1)ways of God (1)wealth (2)Wealth and Christianity (1)wealthy (1)wedding in Cana (1)weeds (1)What are you looking for? (1)Wilderness (1)wine (1)Wisdom (2)Wisdom Literature (1)woe (1)work (1)worship (1)You are the light of the world (1)You are the salt of the earth (1) Sermons SpeakersRt. Rev. Thomas James Brown (2)The Rev. Ben Cooke (1)The Rev. Dr. Suzannah Rohman (126)The Rev. Karen B. Johnson (2) ContentsBishop Brown at St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday, Feb. 28Sermon CategoriesSermon Tags Bishop Brown at St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday, Feb. 28Posted on February 28, 2021 | Pastor: Rt. Rev. Thomas James Brown Continue reading 891011121314 Sermon CategoriesAdvent (7)Christmas (8)Easter (18)Epiphany (17)Lent (20)Pentecost (60)Sermon Tagscharity church creativity engage event father fundraising grace group help hunger Lord people poverty pray preach reading regency spirit virgin
ContentsBishop Brown at St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday, Feb. 28Sermon CategoriesSermon Tags Bishop Brown at St. Andrew’s Church on Sunday, Feb. 28Posted on February 28, 2021 | Pastor: Rt. Rev. Thomas James Brown Continue reading